Sunday, October 5, 2014
<a href="" style="font: 10pt arial; text-decoration: underline;">tween art art</a>
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Artsy Bohemian Jewelry
I love creating and wearing beautiful artistic and bohemian jewelry.
Here are a few jewelry pieces I have created.
For more art inspiration check out my other website at
Here are a few jewelry pieces I have created.
For more art inspiration check out my other website at
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Refocusing my business and other fun things
Business Fun
Hello everyone! Well these past few weeks have been busy. I have been working on refocusing my business and really trying to figure out what I want to focus on. In 2013 I had a website that I kind of abandoned. I currently made the decision to redo the website and keep it current. So my business website is Art on the moon will be my main website and I really want to focus on art, inspirations, journaling and eventually teaching art.I originally started Lani Light to showcase my jewelry. Although I am not going to focus on making jewelry design a business ( but will sell jewelry on etsy), I will continue to update my Lani Light blog. I will post pics of new artwork, jewelry, artsy inspiration and peaks into my life.
In addition to working on my art business, I have been busy journaling. I have never been into journaling but lately have been pulled to start. I made my first journal made form watercolor paper and have been busy painting and creating visual stories. And I am having so much fun!! Journaling is extremely therapeutic and a great way to practice your art techniques and work on those creative juices.
Here is a peak into my journal pages:
For more inspiration visit my website: Art on the Moon
Monday, January 20, 2014
Reflection and Inspiration from Nature
I was sitting on my comfy couch today with a glass of wine of course and reflecting. Reflecting on life, my non existent job, overall satisfaction, and my desire to grow my creative business. As I was thinking, I started to become aware that although I am very thankful for everything and satisfied with my life, I am unsatisfied with my career. Since I graduated college at the end of December 2010, I have not been able to obtain a descent job. This bothers me. I worked so hard (as most people do). I remember working 12 hour shifts at night at the Naval Hospital Portsmouth as a corpsman and then going to school during the day and back to work at night. There were days that I was up for 30 hours. All this while I was raising two young kids with my husband. Oh and I tried so hard to get really great grades. All A's an just one B. I thought that with my stellar grade point average and my Navy experience I would be sure to get a job. Well that was Wrong.
Anyway 3 years later and still no job. I have to confess, I stopped looking a while ago. It's just too discouraging. But during this time of hopeless searching, I started working on art more. I would like ultimately to make a living from my art. Right now I am still in the beginning stages but working really hard towards that goal.
When I get in a funk or feel down I like to go outside and experience the beauty of nature. I especially love to walk outside. Its sort of a walking meditation and it really clears my mind. Anyway since its too cold here in Kansas and dark outside, I started looking at images of nature. I took the images below a few years ago while taking a photography class. Nature was always one of my favorite subjects to photograph. Hope these inspire you too!!
Friday, January 17, 2014
Bohemian Interior Spaces
I love how the design of a space can ignite a specific mood. A long time ago, when I was oh so young and a new mother, I did a lot of daydreaming about what my ideal space would be like. The problem was that I did not have much money and I thought that it just wasn't possible to decorate a space without money. But now.....many years later, I realize that through the art of creativity a space can be transformed with little money. All one needs is some creativity and I do believe that everyone is creative.
Looking at magazines, Pinterest, design blogs or just being outside in nature gets my creative juices flowing.
Looking at magazines, Pinterest, design blogs or just being outside in nature gets my creative juices flowing.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Etsy Mermaid Vibe
Fun Mermaid Creations on Etsy
The above painting is from MadeByMermaidsUK etsy shop. I love their artwork, its absolutely beautiful. I first discovered these beautiful paintings from Leonie Dawson's Biz Academy.
Seriously love this painting. Love the full figured mermaid. When I first saw this painting I fell in love with it immediately. Its fun, colorful, and a great painting to put up on a wall. This painting can be found on etsy shop, DarlingRomeo
This is simply gorgeous. The headdress reminds me of mermaids and the sea. I really love this!! The etsy shop is wildandfreejewelry. The shop is absolutely amazing.

So these are just a few pieces of art from etsy that have that mermaid vibe. I personally love mermaids. They remind me of a misty sea breeze, magic, glowing moons, beaches, and different hues of lovely blues.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Anahata Katkin
Amazing Artist Anahata Katkin
I first discovered Anahata Katkin and her art in the summer of 2010. I was in my last year in college in Norfolk, Virginia and was majoring in geography. I really wanted to major in art but people's opinions finally got to me and so I majored in something academic. Although, I must say that majoring in geography has not been particularly helpful in finding a job. I, however love geography and have no regrets. I know lots of cool facts now! Anyway, back to the story. So I was starving for art and dreamed of being an artist and taking art classes but something was always in my way. There was always what seemed like an invisible brick wall in my path. Oh and it doesn't help that my husband was not very supportive of my art. He believes art is a huge waste of time. His negative energy in regards to art didn't help (But that hasn't stopped me, I am very much involved in making art presently!!).In the year 2010 I discovered a magazine called Artful Blogging in the college bookstore. I flipped through the pages and fell in love with all the color and amazing photos. I looked forward to the new addition of the magazine every 3 months. The summer of 2010 right before my class started, I opened an artful blogging magazine and found a cozy seat at the college coffee shop with a nice hot coffee beverage and began to read my favorite magazine. It is then that I discovered Anahata katkin. I read through the feature several times looking at her amazing artwork. Her art spoke to me on a deep level and I felt such positive and happy emotions. It was at this time that I really discovered mixed media art and it is because of Anahata that I was inspired to try mixed media. I am so grateful to have discovered her lovely work.
Some images of her amazing work
The painting above can be found on Anahata's website:
Image of Anahata in her amazing space with an absolutely beautiful painting behind her. I mean this painting is so amazing that my breath is actually being taken away by its beauty. I love it!!
I have the above painting as a print in my living room. Simply beautiful.
Artwork with a positive message.
you can find Anahata Katkin and her beautiful art at her website, blog and PAPAYA shop
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