Monday, January 20, 2014

Reflection and Inspiration from Nature

 I was sitting on my comfy couch today with a glass of wine of course and reflecting. Reflecting on life, my non existent job, overall satisfaction, and my desire to grow my creative business. As I was thinking, I started to become aware that although I am very thankful for everything and satisfied with my life, I am unsatisfied with my career. Since I graduated college at the end of December 2010, I have not been able to obtain a descent job. This bothers me. I worked so hard (as most people do). I remember working 12 hour shifts at night at the Naval Hospital Portsmouth as a corpsman and then going to school during the day and back to work at night. There were days that I was up for 30 hours. All this while I was raising two young kids with my husband. Oh and I tried so hard to get really great grades. All A's an just one B. I thought that with my stellar grade point average and my Navy experience I would be sure to get a job. Well that was Wrong.

Anyway 3 years later and still no job. I have to confess, I stopped looking a while ago. It's just too discouraging. But during this time of hopeless searching, I started working on art more. I would like ultimately to make a living from my art. Right now I am still in the beginning stages but working really hard towards that goal.

When I get in a funk or feel down I like to go outside and experience the beauty of nature. I especially love to walk outside. Its sort of a walking meditation and it really clears my mind. Anyway since its too cold here in Kansas and dark outside, I started looking at images of nature. I took the images below a few years ago while taking a photography class. Nature was always one of my favorite subjects to photograph. Hope these inspire you too!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Bohemian Interior Spaces

I love how the design of a space can ignite a specific mood. A long time ago, when I was oh so young and a new mother, I did a lot of daydreaming about what my ideal space would be like. The problem was that I did not have much money and I thought that it just wasn't possible to decorate a space without money. But now.....many years later, I realize that through the art of creativity a space can be transformed with little money. All one needs is some creativity and I do believe that everyone is creative.

Looking at magazines, Pinterest, design blogs or just being outside in nature gets my creative juices flowing.