Thursday, February 13, 2014

Artsy Bohemian Jewelry

I love creating and wearing beautiful artistic and bohemian jewelry.

Here are a few jewelry pieces I have created.

For more art inspiration check out my other website at

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Refocusing my business and other fun things

Business Fun

Hello everyone! Well these past few weeks have been busy. I have been working on refocusing my business and really trying to figure out what I want to focus on. In 2013 I had a website that I kind of abandoned. I currently made the decision to redo the website and keep it current. So my business website is Art on the moon will be my main website and I really want to focus on art, inspirations, journaling and eventually teaching art.
I originally started Lani Light to showcase my jewelry. Although I am not going to focus on making jewelry design a business ( but will sell jewelry on etsy), I will continue to update my Lani Light blog. I will post pics of new artwork, jewelry, artsy inspiration and peaks into my life.

In addition to working on my art business, I have been busy journaling. I have never been into journaling but lately have been pulled to start. I made my first journal made form watercolor paper and have been busy painting and creating visual stories. And I am having so much fun!! Journaling is extremely therapeutic and a great way to practice your art techniques and work on those creative juices.

Here is a peak into my journal pages:

For more inspiration visit my website: Art on the Moon